See Greenfly In Action

See Greenfly in Action

Take a 2-minute tour behind the scenes at the international Arnold Clark Cup to see why sports properties of all sizes love Greenfly.

Trusted by over 45 leagues and 500+
teams around the world

More Fan Reach, More Revenue

Greenfly empowers media rights owners to automate the collection and distribution of short-form videos and photos from the event directly to partners of all types: staffers, athletes, sponsors and broadcasters. When partners share these made-for-digital assets on social media, they will exponentially increase fan reach and engagement —
and can drive new revenue opportunities.
Engage younger fans when and where they want to engage with Greenfly.


Empower your athletes to share more.
Deliver high-quality videos and photos
to give your athletes the power to
relive their experiences with
their fans on social.


Supercharge digital reach.
Get sponsors hooked on unstoppable
digital impressions, engagement
and activation that official social
channels simply can’t match.


The content is in your court.
Realize the full value of the moments
you already own.
Help broadcasters
drive more tune-in in their local
markets from digital channels.

A Real-Time Digital Content Feed

Sports leagues, teams and events rely on the Greenfly platform as their centralized real-time digital media content feed – delivering digital content from every source in real-time. Cloud-based software and a versatile mobile app enable the collection, automated organization and distribution of short-form digital media from every source in real time.

The Greenfly platform was designed to handle the needs of large, multi-tiered associations, leagues and clubs, but it’s easy to use (and priced) for small teams.

It’s Time To Move at the Speed of Digital

What worked in sports marketing three years ago isn’t engaging the fans of the future.
Talk to one of our experts about new strategies to engage younger, digital-first fans and increase both sponsor and broadcaster revenue.